2016年12月10日UFC 206 – 战报[全程视频] 天佑大战飞踢_霍洛威 vs. 佩蒂斯_Holloway vs. Pettis – FULL EVENT


UFC206已于北京时间2016年12月11日在加拿大多伦多举行,在本次赛事的头条主赛中,麦克斯-霍洛威(Max Holloway)第三回合TKO终结了安东尼-佩提斯(Anthony Pettis),成为了新任UFC羽量级临时冠军。

2016年12月10日UFC 206 – 战报[全程视频] 天佑大战飞踢_霍洛威 vs. 佩蒂斯_Holloway vs. Pettis – FULL EVENT文章源自武享吧-https://www.hula8.net/UFC/70521.html


麦克斯-霍洛威(Max Holloway) VS 安东尼-佩提斯(Anthony Pettis)的羽量级临时冠军战由于后者称重失败而变成了一场无差别量级的较量。两人在前两个回合表现得旗鼓相当,霍洛威有一些非常漂亮的击打命中佩提斯,而佩提斯也有一次华丽的腿法展示。不过显然霍洛威给对手造成了更大的伤害,这不仅表现在佩提斯面部的出血上,而且他的右手似乎也有受伤。第三回合,佩提斯两次被霍洛威抱摔放倒,苦苦支撑到第4分钟后,他被霍洛威以连续的击打TKO终结。文章源自武享吧-https://www.hula8.net/ufc/70521.html

这样一来,霍洛威就成为了UFC羽量级的临时冠军,他在赛后向刚刚拿回腰带的何塞-奥尔多(Jose Aldo)叫阵,两人预计将会在明年初的某个时候进行羽量级冠军头衔的统一战。文章源自武享吧-https://www.hula8.net/ufc/70521.html

联合主赛中,唐纳德-塞罗尼(Donald Cerrone) VS 马特-布朗(Matt Brown)的次中量级对决在场面上非常接近。布朗在前两个回合对塞罗尼造成了不小的麻烦,甚至有一次成功将牛仔击倒。而塞罗尼则将布朗的双眼眉骨都打出了伤口,并且有几次精彩的高扫。第三回合开始1分钟后,塞罗尼抓住布朗进攻后前倾的空隙,以一记突如其来的高扫直接KO了对手,取得了自己升重到次中量级后的4连胜。文章源自武享吧-https://www.hula8.net/ufc/70521.html

卡布-斯旺森(Cub Swanson) VS 崔斗浩(Doo Ho Choi)的羽量级对决毫无疑问是当晚最精彩的一场比赛。从一开始,两人就在激烈地进行站立对攻,尤其是第二回合和第三回合,双方多次出现激烈的对攻,完全带动起了全场的热情。在第三回合后半段,斯旺森多次击打命中崔斗浩,一度将韩国人打得摇摇欲坠,险些终结对手。最终三个回合结束后,斯旺森以一致判定获胜,但两个人都通过精彩的表现赢得了现场拳迷的欢呼和掌声。文章源自武享吧-https://www.hula8.net/ufc/70521.html

提姆-肯尼迪(Tim Kennedy) VS 开尔文-盖斯特鲁姆(Kelvin Gastelum)的中量级对决在第一回合势均力敌,肯尼迪在前半段占据了明显的优势,而盖斯特鲁姆则在回合的后半段发力,双方各赢下了半个回合。第二回合开始,盖斯特鲁姆更多地利用摔跤技术将比赛控制在地面缠斗中,并有一些出色的击打,拿下了这5分钟。而在最后一个回合中,盖斯特鲁姆通过连续的站立击打重创肯尼迪,在几番挣扎后,最终盖斯特鲁姆在3分钟左右时TKO终结了肯尼迪,赢得了胜利。文章源自武享吧-https://www.hula8.net/ufc/70521.html

加拿大人乔丹-梅因(Jordan Mein) VS 埃米尔-韦伯-米克(Emil Weber Meek)的次中量级对阵是本次赛事的开场战。进行UFC首秀的米克在第一回合中一直处于适应阶段,尽管也有一些漂亮的击打,但在点数上告负。第二回合,米克改变了战术,更多地利用抱摔后的地面压制来对抗梅因的打击,并取得了成效。最终三个回合战罢,米克以一致判定获胜,赢下了自己的八角笼首秀。文章源自武享吧-https://www.hula8.net/ufc/70521.html




羽量级临时冠军战:麦克斯-霍洛威(Max Holloway)(#2) 胜 安东尼-佩提斯(Anthony Pettis)(#5)文章源自武享吧-https://www.hula8.net/ufc/70521.html

次中量级:唐纳德-塞罗尼(Donald Cerrone)(#5) 胜 马特-布朗(Matt Brown)(#14)

羽量级:卡布-斯旺森(Cub Swanson)(#4) 胜 崔斗浩(Doo Ho Choi)(#11)

中量级:提姆-肯尼迪(Tim Kennedy)(#10) 负 开尔文-盖斯特鲁姆(Kelvin Gastelum)(#11 WW)

次中量级:乔丹-梅因(Jordan Mein) 负 埃米尔-韦伯-米克(Emil Weber Meek)


轻重量级:尼基塔-克雷洛夫(Nikita Krylov)(#8) 负 米沙-西库诺夫(Misha Cirkunov)(#13)

轻量级:奥利维尔-奥宾-默西尔(Olivier Aubin-Mercier) 胜 德鲁-多博尔(Drew Dober)

女子草量级:瓦莱丽-莱图尔诺(Valerie Letourneau)(#9) 负 维维安-佩雷拉(Viviane Pereira)

雏量级:米奇-加龙(Mitch Gagnon) 负 马修-洛佩兹(Matthew Lopez)

轻量级:约翰-马克德西(John Makdessi) 负 兰登-万纳塔(Landon Vannata)

轻量级:杰森-萨戈(Jason Saggo) 负 鲁斯塔姆-卡哈比洛夫(Rustam Khabilov)

蝇量级:扎克-马科斯基(Zach Makovsky)(#7) 负 达斯汀-奥尔蒂兹(Dustin Ortiz)(#11)

UFC206:羽量级迎复苏 霍洛威VS佩提斯临时冠军战

UFC 206 霍洛威 VS 佩提斯,UFC206将于北京时间12月11日在加拿大多伦多举行。


本次赛事一共包括了5场主赛与7场副赛。头条大战中,麦克斯-霍洛威(Max Holloway)将与安东尼-佩提斯(Anthony Pettis)争夺羽量级临时冠军头衔。(#为选手目前在该量级的官方排名)

2016年12月10日UFC 206 – 战报[全程视频] 天佑大战飞踢_霍洛威 vs. 佩蒂斯_Holloway vs. Pettis – FULL EVENT


羽量级临时冠军战:麦克斯-霍洛威(Max Holloway)(#2) VS 安东尼-佩提斯(Anthony Pettis)(#5)

麦克斯-霍洛威目前战绩为16胜3负,其中6次KO,2次降服获胜。他目前正处于9连胜的绝佳势头中,自2013年8月被康纳-麦格雷戈(Conor McGregor)以一致判定击败之后就再也没有尝过失败的滋味。在这3年里,霍洛威击败了包括科尔-米勒(Cole Miller)、卡布-斯旺森(Cub Swanson)、杰里米-斯蒂芬斯(Jeremy Stephens)、查尔斯-奥利维拉(Charles Oliveira)、里卡多-拉马斯(Ricardo Lamas)在内的众多排名榜内选手,曾被何塞-奥尔多(Jose Aldo)亲自点名为最具资格的冠军挑战者。

安东尼-佩提斯目前战绩为19胜5负,其中7次KO,9次降服获胜。在去年3月的UFC185中以一致判定被拉斐尔-多斯-安乔斯(Rafael dos Anjos)夺走了轻量级冠军头衔后,佩提斯在155磅又吃到了2连败,分别被艾迪-阿尔瓦瑞兹(Eddie Alvarez)以及埃德森-巴勃萨(Edson Barboza)判定击败。之后他降重到了145磅的羽量级,终于在今年8月UFC On FOX 21的首秀中第三回合降服了巴西人查尔斯-奥利维拉(Charles Oliveira),止住了3连败的颓势。

次中量级:唐纳德-塞罗尼(Donald Cerrone)(#5) VS 马特-布朗(Matt Brown)(#14)

唐纳德-塞罗尼目前战绩为31胜7负1无结果,其中7次KO,16次降服获胜。他在去年12月挑战拉斐尔-多斯-安乔斯的轻量级冠军头衔失败后升重到了次中量级,并在今年内已经打出了3连胜,先后击败了亚历克斯-奥利维拉(Alex Oliveira)、帕特里克-科特(Patrick Cote)以及瑞克-斯托瑞(Rick Story),并且全部终结了对手。

马特-布朗目前战绩为20胜15负,其中12次KO,6次降服获胜。他在几年前打出了7连胜,曾是冠军挑战权的有力竞争在,不过在那之后的5场比赛中布朗只赢下了一场,这就是在去年7月的UFC189中首回合降服了提姆-敏斯(Tim Means)。在今年进行的两场比赛中,布朗先是被德米安-玛雅(Demian Maia)降服,接着又被杰克-艾伦伯格(Jake Ellenberger)在UFC201中首回合TKO,排名已下滑至第14位。

羽量级:卡布-斯旺森(Cub Swanson)(#4) VS 崔斗浩(Doo Ho Choi)(#11)

崔斗浩目前战绩为15胜1负,其中12次KO,1次降服获胜。他在2014年11月举行的UFC Fight Night 57中进行了自己的八角笼首秀,仅仅用时18秒就TKO击败了胡安-曼努埃尔-普伊格(Juan Manuel Puig)。那之后他又连续对阵了山姆-西西里亚(Sam Sicilia)以及提亚戈-塔瓦雷斯(Thiago Tavares),并且全部在首回合TKO对手获胜,目前连胜场数达到了惊人的13场,官方排名暂列羽量级第14位。

卡布-斯旺森目前战绩为23胜7负,其中8次KO,7次降服获胜。他正在充当着羽量级看门人的角色,在去年先后输给了弗兰基-埃德加(Frankie Edgar)以及麦克斯-霍洛威(Max Holloway)之后在今年状态迎来了反弹,已经连续以一致判定击败了巴西人哈卡瑞-迪亚斯(Hacran Dias)和日本名将川尻达也(Tatsuya Kawajiri),官方排名回升至第5位。

中量级:提姆-肯尼迪(Tim Kennedy)(#10) VS 开尔文-盖斯特鲁姆(Kelvin Gastelum)(#11 WW)

提姆-肯尼迪目前战绩为18胜5负,其中6次KO,6次降服获胜。他的上一场比赛还是在2014年9月的UFC178中与尤尔-罗梅罗(Yoel Romero)的对决,当时由于对手迟迟不肯起身比赛,导致自己在第三回合时遭到逆转KO。而在那一战之前,肯尼迪打出了4连胜,击败的对手包括了拉斐尔-纳塔尔(Rafal Natal),以及现任UFC中量级冠军“伯爵”迈克尔-比斯平(Michael Bisping)等。

开尔文-盖斯特鲁姆目前战绩为12胜2负,其中4次KO,4次降服获胜。他在2015年1月的UFC183中曾称重失败过一次,并在当晚被泰伦-伍德利(Tyron Woodley)以分歧判定击败。之后的3场比赛中盖斯特鲁姆赢下了2场,除了被尼尔-马格尼(Neil Magny)同样以分歧判定击败外,他还战胜了内特-马夸特(Nate Marquardt)以及乔尼-亨德里克斯(Johny Hendricks),官方排名次中量级第8位。

次中量级:乔丹-梅因(Jordan Mein) VS 埃米尔-韦伯-米克(Emil Weber Meek)

乔丹-梅因目前战绩为29胜10负,其中16次KO,7次降服获胜。现年26岁的他上一场比赛是还在去年2月的UFC183中进行的,当时他被“斗牛犬”提亚戈-埃尔维斯(Thiago Alves)在第二回合逆转TKO击败,并在赛后令人意外地宣布退役,不过时隔一年后,梅因就因为技痒而宣布复出。梅因的比赛非常精彩,他在UFC的5场比赛中就获得过两次最佳花红,击败的对手包括了老将丹-米勒(Dan Miller)以及迈克-派尔(Mike Pyle)等。

埃米尔-韦伯-米克目前战绩为8胜2负,其中7次KO,1次降服获胜。他在过去的3场比赛中打出了连胜,并且2次KO,1次降服对中,最令人惊艳的一战就是在今年5月仅仅用时45秒就KO终结了前UFC名将“锁腿狂魔”罗斯马尔-帕亚雷斯(Rousimar Palhares),因而得到了UFC的合同。这场比赛将是他的八角笼手秀。

UFC 206: Holloway vs. Pettis English fight card

UFC 206: Holloway vs. Pettis was a mixed martial arts event produced by the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) held on December 10, 2016, at the Air Canada Centre in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.


A UFC Light Heavyweight Championship rematch between the former champion Daniel Cormier and Anthony Johnson was originally expected to headline the event.The pairing met previously in May 2015 at UFC 187 with Cormier winning the fight (and the vacant title) via submission in the third round. However, on November 25, Cormier pulled out due to injury and the bout was scrapped. Promotion officials reportedly tried to book Johnson against former Strikeforce Light Heavyweight Champion Gegard Mousasi, but the former opted to wait for Cormier to return. The bout was rescheduled for UFC 210. Therefore, a featherweight bout between Max Holloway and former UFC Lightweight Champion Anthony Pettis was shifted to the headlining spot. Another component was added to the fight, as it was expected to be for the interim UFC Featherweight Championship status. The current champion (as well as lightweight champion) Conor McGregor vacated his title and former champion/current interim titleholder José Aldo became the undisputed champion.

Promotional newcomer Poliana Botelho was expected to face former UFC Women's Strawweight Championship challenger Valérie Létourneau at the event. However, Botelho was removed from the fight for undisclosed reasons on October 26 and was replaced by fellow newcomer Viviane Pereira.

Former UFC Flyweight Championship challenger John Moraga was expected to face former Bellator Bantamweight Champion Zach Makovsky at the event. However, Moraga pulled out of the fight in early November citing injury and was replaced by Dustin Ortiz.

A middleweight bout between Tim Kennedy and former UFC Light Heavyweight Champion and divisional newcomer Rashad Evans was originally booked for UFC 205. However, Evans was pulled from the fight days before the event after an undisclosed irregularity was found during his pre-fight medical exam. Subsequently, Kennedy was removed from the card as well. The fight was later rescheduled for this event. Subsequently, Evans once again was unable to obtain medical clearance to compete on the card and was pulled from the bout on November 21. An irregularity in his pre-fight MRI was responsible for both removals and he is expected to undergo an additional screening with a neurologist to prove he is healthy enough to fight, before possibly returning to the cage in January or February, according to his manager.[14] The Ultimate Fighter: Team Jones vs. Team Sonnen middleweight winner Kelvin Gastelum was announced as his replacement on November 26, pending commission approval due to his suspension after UFC 205.[15] He was granted his liberation 4 days later.

A welterweight bout between Chad Laprise and Li Jingliang was expected to take place at the event. However, Laprise pulled out of the fight on November 16 citing an undisclosed injury. As a result, Li was pulled from the card entirely and will be rescheduled at a future event.

At the weigh-ins, Pettis came in at 148 lb, three pounds over the featherweight limit of 145 lb. for a championship fight. As a result, in the event that Pettis were to win the fight with Holloway, he would be ineligible for the championship, while Holloway was still eligible. Pettis was fined 20% of his purse, which will go Holloway and the bout proceeded as scheduled at a catchweight. Pettis was the first fighter to miss weight for a UFC championship bout since Travis Lutter at UFC 67 in February 2007. Rustam Khabilov and Valérie Létourneau also missed the required weight for their respective fights. They were both fined 20% of their purse which will go to their respective opponents, Jason Saggo and Viviane Pereira. The bouts proceeded at catchweight.

UFC 206: results


Main Card
Weight classMethodRoundTimeNotes
Catchweight (148 lb)Max Hollowaydef.Anthony PettisTKO (body kick and punches)34:50[a]
WelterweightDonald Cerronedef.Matt BrownKO (head kick)30:34
FeatherweightCub Swansondef.Choi Doo-hoDecision (unanimous) (30–27, 30–27, 29–28)35:00
MiddleweightKelvin Gastelumdef.Tim KennedyTKO (punches)32:45
WelterweightEmil Weber Meekdef.Jordan MeinDecision (unanimous) (29–28, 29–28, 29–28)35:00
Preliminary Card (Fox Sports 1)
Light HeavyweightMisha Cirkunovdef.Nikita KrylovSubmission (guillotine choke)14:38
LightweightOlivier Aubin-Mercierdef.Drew DoberSubmission (rear-naked choke)22:57
Catchweight (117.5 lb)Viviane Pereiradef.Valérie LétourneauDecision (split) (29–28, 28–29, 29–28)35:00
BantamweightMatthew Lopezdef.Mitch GagnonDecision (unanimous) (29–28, 29–28, 29–27)35:00
Preliminary Card (UFC Fight Pass)
LightweightLando Vannatadef.John MakdessiKO (wheel kick)11:40
Catchweight (158 lb)Rustam Khabilovdef.Jason SaggoDecision (unanimous) (30–27, 30–27, 30–27)35:00
FlyweightDustin Ortizdef.Zach MakovskyDecision (split) (29–28, 28–29, 29–28)35:00
  1. ^ For the interim UFC Featherweight Championship (only Holloway was eligible).

by hula8.net


