2016年9月3日武林风中荷对抗赛 – 河南卫视直播[视频]

2016年9月3日武林风WLF-中荷对抗赛将在河南电视台8号演播厅打响,欧内斯特·胡斯特(Ernesto Hoost)、彼得·阿兹(Peter Aerts)、雷米 邦加斯基(Remy Bonjask),他们是擂台上曾经神一样的存在。本次率领荷兰新一代众多搏击名将组团挑战中国,中国军团派出魏锐、杨茁、胡亚非、允奇、郝盛斌、吉祥、赵炎、刘响明、孙维强等选手迎战,赛前如有直播,武享吧本页更新信号和赛后视频。


最终对阵表如下:Below you can check the fight card.文章源自武享吧-https://www.hula8.net/wlf/27259.html

第一场71公斤级:胡亚非Hu Yafei 胜 罗曼诺Romano Bakboord 71kg文章源自武享吧-https://www.hula8.net/wlf/27259.html

第二场75公斤级:孙维强Sun WeiQiang 负 昂德Onder Ural 75kg文章源自武享吧-https://www.hula8.net/wlf/27259.html

第三场64公斤级:金鹰Jin Ying 胜 伊利亚斯Ilias El Hajoui 64kg文章源自武享吧-https://www.hula8.net/wlf/27259.html

第四场57公斤级:黄利Huang Li 胜 希贝尔Naomi Tataroglu Sibel 57kg文章源自武享吧-https://www.hula8.net/wlf/27259.html

第五场71公斤级:焦富开 TKO胜 费尔南多Fernando Reemnet 70kg文章源自武享吧-https://www.hula8.net/wlf/27259.html

第六场86公斤级:刘远Liu Yuan 负 维贝克Santino Verbeek 86kg文章源自武享吧-https://www.hula8.net/wlf/27259.html

第七场94公斤级:郝光华Hao Guanghua 胜 塞尔吉奥皮克Sergio Pique 94kg文章源自武享吧-https://www.hula8.net/wlf/27259.html

第八场68公斤级:杨玉龙Yang Yulong vs 哈桑-拓伊Hassan Toy 68kg

第九场60公斤级:雷鹏辉Lei Penghui vs 坤霸特(Kunbut)60kg

第十场68公斤级:陈雅阁Chen Yage vs 达米安Damian Johansen 68kg

WLF | China vs Netherlands

Wu Lin Feng cannot be stopped and continues to fights worldwide against other countries.

This Saturday it’s all about the Battle of Champions, also known as Australia vs China. The next battle is already planned and will be against the country who has brought many world champions in the K-1 area.

On September 3th is all about China vs Holland in the Henan TV Studio 8 in Zhengzhou Henan, China. Dutch fighters from Bonjansky Gym, Peter Aerts Gym, Ernesto Hoost Gym and many other fight gyms. All gyms of former K-1 world champions will fight against WLF fighters.


