2018年8月5日UFC 227洛杉矶站 – 直播[视频] Dillashaw vs. Garbrandt 2_张伟丽首秀一致判定击败泰勒

UFC2018年8月5日UFC 227洛杉矶站 – 直播[视频] Dillashaw vs. Garbrandt 2_张伟丽首秀一致判定击败泰勒已关闭评论17.1K

2018年8月5日10:00 PP体育直播 UFC 227将如期在洛杉矶打响,雏量级冠军战:迪拉肖 VS 加布兰特 2。头条主赛将是TJ-迪拉肖(TJ Dillashaw) VS 科迪-加布兰特(Cody Garbrandt)雏量级冠军二番战。另外两位中国选手乌力吉布仁和张伟丽参赛。联合主赛,“大力鼠”狄米崔斯-约翰逊(Demetrious Johnson)将再次迎接亨利-赛胡多(Henry Cejudo)挑战。本次赛事共包括5场主赛和7场副赛。视频如下:

2018年8月5日UFC 227洛杉矶站 – 直播[视频] Dillashaw vs. Garbrandt 2_张伟丽首秀一致判定击败泰勒文章源自武享吧-https://www.hula8.net/UFC/35699.html

【中文解说】桑托斯、约翰逊、TJ迪拉肖 - 比赛

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雏量级冠军战:TJ-迪拉肖(TJ Dillashaw)(C) VS 科迪-加布兰特(Cody Garbrandt)(#1)文章源自武享吧-https://www.hula8.net/ufc/35699.html

TJ-迪拉肖目前战绩为15胜3负,其中7次KO,3次降服获胜。在输掉冠军头衔之前,他连续TKO终结了雷南-巴罗奥(Renan Barao)以及乔-索托(Joe Soto),之后他又连续一致判定击败了拉斐尔-阿松桑(Raphael Assuncao)以及约翰-莱因克尔(John Lineker),并在去年执教了第25季“终极斗士”。在11月举行的UFC217中,迪拉肖第二回合KO战胜了前队友加布兰特,第二次夺得雏量级冠军头衔。文章源自武享吧-https://www.hula8.net/ufc/35699.html

科迪-加布兰特(Cody Garbrandt)(#1)目前战绩为11胜1负,其中9次KO对手获胜。他在自己的前11场职业战绩中打出了全胜,并且终结率高达90%。从而获得了挑战时任雏量级冠军多米尼克-克鲁兹的机会,并以一致判定成功夺得冠军头衔。而加布兰特(Cody Garbrandt)与迪拉肖(TJ Dillashaw)之间的同门恩怨是去年UFC最大的看点之一,但可惜的是他在最终的较量中被KO击败。文章源自武享吧-https://www.hula8.net/ufc/35699.html

蝇量级冠军战:狄米崔斯-约翰逊(Demetrious Johnson)(C) VS 亨利-赛胡多(Henry Cejudo)(#1)文章源自武享吧-https://www.hula8.net/ufc/35699.html

狄米崔斯-约翰逊目前战绩为27胜2负1平,其中5次KO,11次降服获胜。作为UFC迄今为止的唯一蝇量级冠军,约翰逊已经创下了众多历史记录,其中最为耀眼的当属连续11次卫冕UFC蝇量级冠军头衔,成为了UFC历史上连续卫冕冠军次数最多的选手。在去年的两次出战中,约翰逊都有上佳表现,他先是在4月降服击败了巴西柔术黑带选手威尔逊-雷斯(Wilson Reis),接着又在10月以前所未见的方式降服击败了雷-博格(Ray Borg)。文章源自武享吧-https://www.hula8.net/ufc/35699.html

亨利-赛胡多目前战绩为12胜2负,其中5次KO对手获胜。作为2008年北京奥运会的55公斤级自由式摔跤冠军,赛胡多转行进入职业MMA运动后打出了10战全胜,并获得了挑战约翰逊冠军头衔的资格。在失败后,他执教了“终极斗士”,但在教练对决中分歧判定惜败于约瑟夫-贝纳维德兹(Joseph Benavidez)。去年,赛胡多打出了2连胜,先后以压倒性的优势战胜了威尔逊-雷斯和塞尔吉奥-佩提斯(Sergio Pettis),目前官方排名蝇量级榜首。文章源自武享吧-https://www.hula8.net/ufc/35699.html

中量级:提亚哥-桑托斯(Thiago Santos)(#13) VS 凯文-霍兰德(Kevin Holland)文章源自武享吧-https://www.hula8.net/ufc/35699.html

提亚哥-桑托斯目前战绩为17胜6负,其中12次KO,1次降服获胜。这位34岁的巴西老将参加了首季“终极斗士 巴西”的选拔,但在决赛中不敌切扎尔-费雷拉(Cezar Ferreira)。签约UFC后,桑托斯在八角笼内打出了9胜5负的战绩,与不少成名选手都有过交锋记录,包括了乌利亚-霍尔(Uriah Hall)、内特-马夸特(Nate Marquardt)、吉加德-莫萨斯(Gegard Mousasi)等。在过去两年里,桑托斯打出了一波4连胜,不过这一强劲的势头在今年4月与戴维-布兰奇(David Branch)的对决中被对手KO终结。


羽量级:卡布-斯旺森(Cub Swanson)(#5) VS 雷纳托-莫伊卡诺(Renato Moicano)(#10)

卡布-斯旺森目前战绩为35胜9负,其中8次KO,7次降服获胜。他在2016-2017年里打出了一波4连胜,击败的对手包括了韩国小将崔斗浩(Doo Ho Choi)以及俄罗斯人阿特姆-洛博夫(Artem Lobov)等。不过在过去的半个月中,斯旺森却遭遇了2连败,先是被布莱恩-奥尔特加(Brian Ortega)以站立式断头台降服,接着又在今年4月的UFC大西洋城赛中输掉了与弗兰基-埃德加(Frankie Edgar)的二番战。

雷纳托-莫伊卡诺目前战绩为12胜1负1平,其中5次降服获胜。这位巴西小将在2014年以不败的职业战绩签约UFC,并在去年以分歧判定战胜了杰里米-史蒂芬斯(Jeremy Stephens)而名声大噪。不过在那之后,莫伊卡诺吃到了生涯首败,被布莱恩-奥尔特加以断头台降服。今年4月的UFC223中,莫伊卡诺在与加尔文-凯塔尔(Calvin Kattar)的新星对决中以一致判定胜出。

女子草量级:丹妮尔-泰勒(Danielle Taylor)(Danielle Taylor) VS 张伟丽(Zhang Weili)



作为张伟丽本次的对手,美国人丹妮尔-泰勒目前职业战绩为9胜3负,其中3次KO,1次降服获胜。这位前KOTC草量级冠军在2016年签约UFC后打出了2胜2负的战绩,胜绩中包括以一致判定击败了前冠军挑战者杰西卡-佩内(Jessica Penne)。拥有泰拳背景的泰勒具备相当出色的站立打击技术,她在UFC首秀中险些KO玛瑞娜-莫罗兹(Maryna Moroz)的一幕令人印象深刻。

雏量级:马龙-维拉(Marlon Vera) VS 乌力吉布仁(Wuliji Buren)

马龙-维拉目前战绩为10胜5负1平,其中2次KO,6次降服获胜。今年25岁的他在过去两年里打出了一波3连胜,击败的对手包括了中国人宁广友(Ning Guangyou)、英国老将布拉德-皮克特(Brad Pickett)以及新星布莱恩-凯莱赫(Brian Kelleher)。不过在过去的两场比赛中,维拉的状态稍有下滑,先后以一致判定不敌冠军挑战者约翰-莱因克尔(John Lineker)以及道格拉斯-安德拉德(Douglas Silva de Andrade),不过依然是一位非常难以应付的顶级选手。

乌力吉布仁目前战绩为9胜4负,其中1次KO,4次降服获胜。这位来自蒙古族的小伙子现年27岁,身高1米73,受训于北京格斗兄弟拳馆的他绰号“驯兽师”,从小就练习摔跤,拥有出色的摔法和地面控制能力。乌力吉布仁在去年11月于上海举行的UFC Fight Night 122中进行了自己的八角笼首秀,但在打满三个回合后,被菲律宾选手罗兰多-戴(Rolando Dy)以一致判定击败。



雏量级冠军战:TJ-迪拉肖(TJ Dillashaw)(C) VS 科迪-加布兰特(Cody Garbrandt)(#1)

蝇量级冠军战:狄米崔斯-约翰逊(Demetrious Johnson)(C) VS 亨利-赛胡多(Henry Cejudo)(#1)

中量级:提亚哥-桑托斯(Thiago Santos)(#13) VS 凯文-霍兰德(Kevin Holland)

女子草量级:波利安娜-维亚纳(Polyana Viana) VS JJ-奥德里奇(JJ Aldrich)

羽量级:卡布-斯旺森(Cub Swanson)(#5) VS 雷纳托-莫伊卡诺(Renato Moicano)(#10)


雏量级:佩德罗-穆尼奥斯(Pedro Munhoz)(#9) VS 布雷特-约翰斯(Brett Johns)(#14)

雏量级:瑞奇-西蒙(Ricky Simon) VS 蒙特尔-杰克逊(Montel Jackson)

羽量级:马特-塞尔斯(Matt Sayles) VS 希蒙-莫雷斯(Sheymon Moraes)

蝇量级:何塞-托雷斯(Jose Torres) VS 亚历克斯-佩雷斯(Alex Perez)

雏量级:里卡多-拉莫斯(Ricardo Ramos) VS 康京浩(Kyung Ho Kang)

女子草量级:丹妮尔-泰勒(Danielle Taylor)(Danielle Taylor) VS 张伟丽(Zhang Weili)

雏量级:马龙-维拉(Marlon Vera) VS 乌力吉布仁(Wuliji Buren)

UFC 227: Dillashaw vs. Garbrandt 2 was a mixed martial arts event that was produced by the Ultimate Fighting Championship and held on August 4, 2018, at the Staples Center in Los Angeles, California.


A UFC Bantamweight Championship rematch between current two-time champion T.J. Dillashaw and former champion Cody Garbrandt headlined the event.[3] They both coached on The Ultimate Fighter: Redemption before the two previously met at UFC 217 in the co-main event. When they fought, Dillashaw won with a second-round knockout to reclaim the title.

A UFC Flyweight Championship rematch between current champion Demetrious Johnson and 2008 Olympic gold medalist in freestyle wrestling Henry Cejudo also co-headlined the event.[5] The pairing previously met at UFC 197, where Johnson defeated Cejudo by first-round TKO to defend his title.

Derek Brunson was expected to face The Ultimate Fighter: Brazil 3 heavyweight winner Antônio Carlos Júnior at the event. However, Brunson pulled out of the fight in early July citing an eye injury. In turn, Carlos Júnior was removed from the card entirely and is expected to be rescheduled for a future event.

Bharat Khandare was scheduled to face Wuliji Buren at the event. However, Khandare was removed from the bout on July 18 for undisclosed reasons and was replaced by Marlon Vera.

A light heavyweight bout between former UFC Light Heavyweight Championship challengers Volkan Oezdemir and Alexander Gustafsson was expected to take place at this event. However, on July 19, it was announced that Oezdemir pulled out due to a broken nose.[9] In turn, Gustafsson pulled out on July 22 due to a minor injury.[10] A middleweight bout between Thiago Santos and UFC newcomer Kevin Holland was created to fill the vacant spot on the main card.

Benito Lopez was expected to face Ricky Simón at the event. However, Lopez pulled out of the bout on July 24 due to an undisclosed injury and was replaced by promotional newcomer Montel Jackson.[11]

On August 1, a bantamweight bout between former UFC Women's Bantamweight Championship challenger Bethe Correia and Irene Aldana was pulled from this event due to an injury suffered by Correia.

Main Card
Weight classMethodRoundTimeNotes
BantamweightT.J. Dillashaw (c)def.Cody GarbrandtKO (knee and punches)14:10[a]
FlyweightHenry Cejudodef.Demetrious Johnson (c)Decision (split) (48–47, 47–48, 48–47)55:00[b]
FeatherweightRenato Moicanodef.Cub SwansonSubmission (rear-naked choke)14:15
Women's StrawweightJJ Aldrichdef.Polyana VianaDecision (unanimous) (29–28, 29–28, 29–27)35:00
MiddleweightThiago Santosdef.Kevin HollandDecision (unanimous) (29–27, 29–27, 29–26)35:00
Preliminary Card (FX)
BantamweightPedro Munhozdef.Brett JohnsDecision (unanimous) (30–26, 29–28, 29–27)35:00
BantamweightRicky Simóndef.Montel JacksonDecision (unanimous) (30–27, 30–27, 29–28)35:00
BantamweightRicardo Ramosdef.Kang Kyung-hoDecision (split) (29–28, 28–29, 29–28)35:00
FeatherweightSheymon Moraesdef.Matt SaylesDecision (unanimous) (29–28, 29–28, 29–28)35:00
Early Preliminary Card (UFC Fight Pass)
FlyweightAlex Perezdef.Jose TorresKO (punches)13:36
Women's StrawweightZhang Weilidef.Danielle TaylorDecision (unanimous) (29–28, 29–28, 29–28)35:00
BantamweightMarlon Veradef.Wuliji BurenKO (punch to the body)24:53
  1. ^ For the UFC Bantamweight Championship.
  2. ^ For the UFC Flyweight Championship.

Bonus awards

The following fights received $50,000 bonuses:

  • Fight of the Night: Henry Cejudo vs. Demetrious Johnson
  • Performance of the Night: T.J. Dillashaw and Renato Moicano

Reported payout

The following is the reported payout to the fighters as reported to the California State Athletic Commission. It does not include sponsor money and also does not include the UFC's traditional "fight night" bonuses. The total disclosed payout for the event was $866,000.

  • T.J. Dillashaw: $350,000 (no win bonus) def. Cody Garbrandt: $200,000
  • Henry Cejudo: $100,000 (no win bonus) def. Demetrious Johnson: $380,000
  • Renato Moicano: $52,000 (includes $26,000 win bonus) def. Cub Swanson: $90,000
  • J.J. Aldrich: $36,000 (includes $18,000 win bonus) def. Polyana Viana: $12,000
  • Thiago Santos: $96,000 (includes $48,000 win bonus) def. Kevin Holland: $13,000
  • Pedro Munhoz: $84,000 (includes $42,000 win bonus) def. Brett Johns: $22,000
  • Ricky Simón: $24,000 (includes $12,000 win bonus) def. Montel Jackson: $10,000
  • Ricardo Ramos: $28,000 (includes $14,000 win bonus) def. Kyung Ho Kang: $16,000
  • Sheymon Moraes: $20,000 (includes $10,000 win bonus) def. Matt Sayles: $10,000
  • Alex Perez: $28,000 (includes $14,000 win bonus) def. Jose Torres: $14,000
  • Zhang Weili: $28,000 (includes $14,000 win bonus) def. Danielle Taylor: $20,000
  • Marlon Vera: $64,000 (includes $32,000 win bonus) def. Wuliji Buren: $10,000

by hula8.net

下载信息 2018年8月5日UFC 227洛杉矶站