2015年7月10日泰国仑批尼拳赛Muay Thai Fight[部分视频]

泰拳2015年7月10日泰国仑批尼拳赛Muay Thai Fight[部分视频]已关闭评论4.6K

泰拳仓披尼拳赛2015年7月10日进行了几场比赛,武享吧泰拳频道为您精选本次赛事的重量级几场比赛。具体对阵为:Morakod vs Sakpetch;Petphanomrung vs Kwankhao;Saksit vs Wanchana。下面为高清视频。武享吧为您定期更新多个泰拳赛事的视频,如果你喜欢,不要错过!

Muay Thai Fight - Morakod vs Sakpetch - New Lumpini Stadium, Bangkok, 10th July 2015。Morakod Komsamai (115lbs,RED) vs Sakpetch Kiatpatphan (117lbs,BLUE) Morakod and Sakpetch fight on the "Wanweerapon" promotion at the New Lumpini Stadium, Bangkok. HD. Enjoy.文章源自武享吧-https://www.hula8.net/thai-fight/17343.html


Muay Thai Fight - Petphanomrung vs Kwankhao - New Lumpini Stadium, Bangkok, 10th July 2015。Phetphanomrung Kiatmoo9 (132lbs,RED) vs Kwankhao Mor. Rattanabundit (132lbs,BLUE) Petphanomrung and Kwankhao fight on the "Wanweerapon" promotion at the New Lumpini Stadium, Bangkok. HD. Enjoy.文章源自武享吧-https://www.hula8.net/thai-fight/17343.html


Muay Thai Fight - Saksit vs Wanchana - New Lumpini Stadium, Bangkok, 10th July 2015。Saksit Tor .Paopiamsab (122lbs,RED) vs Wanchana Or. Boonchuay (122lbs,BLUE). Saksit and Wanchana fight on the "Wanweerapon" promotion at the New Lumpini Stadium, Bangkok. HD. Enjoy.
